Users API
Get all users
Additional information.
If no value is entered for any filter, the current user information is returned.
Query Parameters
Type of user by which you want to filter.
Available options:
, individual
Id of the broker for which you want to get the list of users.
Allows you to search for any text.
Id of the user for which you want to get the list of users.
First name of the individual to be searched.
Last name of the individual to be searched.
Name of the business to be searched.
Individual or business onboarding status.
Available options:
, individualPassed
, individualReview
, individualFailed
, legalRepresentativeApproved
, legalRepresentativeFailed
, bridgeToSAndKYCCompleted
, bridgeKYCCompleted
, bridgeKYCApproved
, bridgeToSCompleted
, started
, failed
, review
, none
Used to specify the current page you want to get in the paging results.
Used to specify the maximum number of records to be returned on a single page.
200 - application/json
Available options:
, banned
, broker
, brokerCustomer
, summedVolumeFees
, noReissueQuoteAfterExpiration
, prepaidOrders
, hasTransfersEnabled
, noVolatilityError
, brokerFeesEnabled
, canUploadKYCReportFile
, shortQuote
, needsAddressApproval
, canPriceMatch
, doNotSendOrderConfirmationEmail
, doNotSendOnboardingEmails
Broker ID of the user.
Creation date of the user.
Email of the user.
ID of the user.
Type of the user.
Available options:
, individual